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Front doors and sliding glass windows are not the only safety vulnerabilities homeowners need to consider. Without adequate protection, garage doors are often exploited by unauthorized visitors during break-ins. To reinforce the protection of homes across the Milwaukee area, GEIS Building Products is here to explore effective garage door security strategies.

Effective Garage Door Security Tips in the Milwaukee area

The Critical Role of Garage Door Security

Garages are often considered safe spaces to store vehicles, storage, and tools. However, beyond their organizational role, they allow easy access to your primary living area. To protect your loved ones and belongings, it’s essential to take proactive steps to maintain your garage door security.

The Reality of Garage-Based Break-ins

Garage-based break-ins are far more common than you may believe. They are the most common trespassing point after front and back-door break-ins. Criminals target these entryways, knowing they are traditionally less fortified than front doors, gaining access by spoofing automatic opener signals or simply prying them open.

The Importance of Secure Garage Doors

Quality garage doors are an undeniable asset. However, contrary to popular belief, quality does not necessarily equate to security. Well-made and secure garage doors are the foundation of elevated home safety, but any vigilant homeowner will agree that total property protection relies on multi-layered security features and proactive garage door accessories.

Smart Technology Enhancements

In the era of connectivity, smart garage security systems are very common. Smart garage door openers rely on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to provide homeowners with full control and remote access to their homes. These systems allow you to control the function of your doors, set timers and schedules, and alert you of suspicious activity.

Smart Locks & Plugs

Older garage door models are not always compatible with modern smart system technology. Fortunately, you can achieve connectivity by installing a smart plug in addition to your smart garage door opener. If your garage is equipped with a side entry door, you may also integrate a smart garage door lock into your garage security system.

Physical Barriers & Reinforcements

If you are not tech-savvy, smart garage door security systems may not be for you. However, that does not mean you should settle for insufficient protection. Instead, consider physical barriers and reinforcements to improve the security of your home, such as:

  • High-security locks
  • Security film
  • Rolling code door opener

High-Security Locks

One flimsy lock is less than intimidating to potential intruders. Double up on protection by fitting your garage door with multiple high-security locks to deter criminal activity. We recommend installing a deadbolt on garage entry doors and a sliding track lock for your main garage doors.

Protective Window Film

If your garage door has decorative windows or the garage itself has standard windows, protective window film may be a wise investment. Protective window film acts as a shatter-proof shield that mitigates the risk of break-ins and unauthorized access.

Rolling Code Door Openers

Modern automatic garage door openers are equipped with rolling code technology. A rolling code is an electronic signal designed to prevent access and hackers by obstructing signal imitators. Rolling code openers can be integrated into smart home systems or applied by simply upgrading your automatic door opener to a newer model.

Maintenance & Regular Checks

Age-related wear and damage detract from the integrity of your garage doors. Failing to address these minor yet impactful concerns facilitates the risk of unauthorized access. To keep these issues at bay, prioritize annual garage door maintenance and routine checks to catch symptoms of wear before the protection of your home becomes exploited.

Security Lighting & Surveillance

Criminals tend to veer away from the spotlight to avoid getting caught. That is why we recommend installing motion-sensor lighting in front of your garage doors. These lights automatically power on when movement is detected, offering a strong deterrent against unwanted visitors.

Practical Security Practices

Garage alarm systems and security accessories are only as effective as your safety practices. At GEIS Building Products, we encourage homeowners to combine their security upgrades with practical strategies and habits, including:

  • Secure tools and valuables in locked containers/cabinets
  • Close your doors promptly
  • Routinely change your door opener code
  • Don’t leave your opener in the car

Protect Your Home with New, Secure Garage Doors

Our final and perhaps most valuable security recommendation involves considering the integrity of the doors themselves. Rather than equip old or compromised doors with security features, consider upgrading to a new set of secure garage doors with the experts at GEIS Building Products.

Call to Optimize Your Garage Door Security

Don’t wait until you experience a break-in or have an intruder. Get ahead of criminal activity and other hazards by opting for secure garage doors and practical safety features with GEIS Building Products. To get started, contact our experts in the Milwaukee area today.