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Winter Tips for Garage Door Maintenance

Winter weather can take a toll on your garage door, leading to malfunctions and wear if not addressed. At GEIS Building Products, we know how important seasonal maintenance is to keep your garage door operating efficiently. Proactive care helps prevent unexpected repairs, keeps your home safe, and extends the life of your door. Here are essential winter maintenance tips to protect your garage door this season.

Winter Tips for Garage Door Maintenance in Milwaukee, WI

Common Winter Issues with Garage Doors

Garage Door Won’t Open or Close Properly

Cold temperatures can cause components to stiffen, making it harder for your door to function. Ice buildup around the base of the door can also obstruct movement. Pay attention to any unusual noises, as these could signal frozen or overstressed parts.

Springs and Tracks Freezing

Metal springs and tracks are susceptible to freezing in extreme weather. This can affect the tension in springs or block the rollers from moving smoothly. Freezing can also cause rust to form, leading to long-term damage if not addressed promptly.

Sensor Malfunctions

Sensors are sensitive to debris and condensation. Snow, ice, or dirt covering the sensor lenses can prevent the door from responding to commands. Regularly cleaning the sensors helps avoid these issues and allows for smooth operation.

Preventive Maintenance Tips

Lubricate Moving Parts

Use a cold-weather garage door lubricant to keep hinges, rollers, and springs moving freely. Lubrication prevents stiffness and reduces wear caused by low temperatures. Focus on applying a thin, even layer to avoid excess buildup, which can attract dirt.

Inspect and Align Tracks

Check for misaligned tracks or debris buildup. Use a level to verify alignment and clean the tracks thoroughly to prevent freezing. Regularly inspecting the tracks allows the door to open and close smoothly, even during harsh weather.

Check Weather Stripping

Examine the weather stripping along the edges of your garage door. Replace worn or cracked seals to keep out cold air, snow, and moisture. Upgraded weather stripping can also improve your garage’s insulation, making it more energy-efficient.

Keep Snow and Ice Clear

Remove snow and ice around the garage door regularly. This helps avoid obstructions and minimizes the risk of freezing components. Clearing the area also reduces the chances of slipping hazards and damage to the door’s bottom seal.

Garage Door Insulation Strategies

Weather Sealing

Add weather seals to the sides and bottom of your garage door. This creates a barrier against drafts and moisture, improving energy efficiency. Proper sealing also prevents rodents and pests from entering your garage.

Add Rigid Foam Insulation or Kits

Install rigid foam panels or an insulation kit on your garage door. These materials improve temperature regulation and help reduce heating costs. They are also an affordable solution for older garage doors that lack insulation.

Upgrade to an Insulated Garage Door

For maximum efficiency, consider upgrading to an insulated garage door. GEIS Building Products offers a variety of high-quality insulated doors that keep your garage comfortable year-round. Insulated doors are available in various garage door styles, allowing you to maintain aesthetic appeal while improving functionality.

Additional Winter Maintenance Tips

Test Garage Door Opener Settings

Adjust the opener’s sensitivity and force settings to accommodate colder temperatures. This prevents strain on the motor when the door is heavier due to ice or snow. Test these settings to make sure that the door operates safely and efficiently.

Check for Electrical Issues

Cold weather can affect your garage door opener’s electrical components. Inspect the wiring and connections for any signs of wear or corrosion. If you notice flickering lights or unresponsive controls, consult a professional to address the issue.

Call Professionals for Repairs

If you notice persistent issues or damage, contact GEIS Building Products for professional maintenance. Our experts can identify problems and provide reliable repairs. Attempting to fix complex issues yourself can lead to further damage or void warranties.


Winter can be tough on garage doors, but regular maintenance ensures they remain reliable and efficient. Schedule a professional inspection or tune-up with GEIS Building Products before the cold weather sets in. Our experienced team can help you explore upgrades, such as insulated garage doors, for added comfort and long-term savings.

Remember, proactive care not only saves money but also extends the life of your garage door, giving you peace of mind during winter storms. Visit our website to learn more about our garage products and services. Don’t let winter weather take a toll on your garage; call GEIS for good service at fair prices!